Nigeria is 60! First of October 1960 was way before my time, but history sort of tells me it was a struggle for Independence, it was not just "given" Nigerians made a demand and people who some today might call our "founding fathers", led that charge. Independence "given or achieved" it came, for all Nigerians or (the group of tribes and tounges) clustered into one nation and named Nigerians strangely enough by one who is not of them. 1st October 2020, it's 60 years of Independence. What a word Independence ? Who were we dependent on and for what ? or was it actually the reverse ? Who were dependent on us and for what ? Could it be our wealth and natural resources the colonial uninvited guests came to help themselves and were so dependent on it that they so plundered it lavishly that up till this day you see the relics of those plundering?. The British Museum in London, still "holds" some answers,I bet you they believe those acient Benin...