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A jolly good lady

For she's a jolly good lady
For she's a jolly good lady

Which nobody can deny

For she's a jolly good lady
For she's a jolly good lady
And so say all of us

9th April – #covid19  Day 100 of the pandemic according to world health organization (WHO) timeline – but none the less even as most parts of the world is on lockdown, thankfully, Zoom to the rescue we had a wonderful opportunity to appreciate, celebrate, reminisce as we send forth a great colleague and manager ( Elena)

Elena,  It's been an absolute pleasure working with you for close to 10years now, I can still remember coming to your office on level 7 at the Central Services Building(CSB), now Schwann Building (SB) (University of Huddersfield) to discuss the job role for a regional office Nigeria, when the ad was placed.

Got the job and have been on this roller-coaster yet rewarding ride since then, indeed they say “times fly by when you having fun”, allow me to rephrase this, time keeps on moving into the future when you are in the cycle of international student recruitment.

Any movement that’s in the direction of an upward career phat is indeed a delight, and as we say in these parts “you don pay your dues”. I can truly say I gained learned many useful impactful lifelong lessons and experiences from working with you. Your management style and approach to understanding, dealing with issues and managing a team, during both good times and very tough and unpredictable times is exceptional, and if anyone should say this, I believe I fall among the numbers.

I had worked a few jobs and had a few line managers and you top the list by far, so the work experience with you is one I believe that I would cherish. There's a saying, that you don't know what you have got, until it's gone, well with you. I believe we knew what we had, while you were still our line manager 🙂 .

Thanks for raising the bar and setting a great standard of how to develop and manage working relationships, across race, creed, and personality types.

So I raise a glass to you and say Cheers Elena 🍷, continue to “Be More” and Godspeed for the next phase in your career. . .


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