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In the pursuit of Peace & Quietness

Hear my story, if you will,but let me  lay it down like that popular R&B song from the 90's by  ,Brian McKnight. Steps 1,2,3 & "Back at One"

Step One-

I was living in this apartment, and it was smack right in from of a Beer 🍻 drinking joint,they probably call it a pub in the UK or a bar in the United States - but in Port Harcourt, (PH city) Nigeria ,it's called a Beer Parlor 🤣,cause people just go thier drink beer,watch the premier league ,and eat "ise ewu" aka goat 🐐 head and listen to very loud noise music. 

Just beside the beer palor is a " Gym" at least that's what they called it,and this gym was right opposite my bed room window from across the street. 

Every morning from 7am, once I peep out my window, what do I see. Middle age women trying to loss wieght - but all they  keep doing is dance routines, that's all.

So every evening from 7pm, the " Beer 🍺 Palor starts playing loud music, am forced to close my window ... From all the ahhhh, shoki, en-hen 🤣.. this will last till like 12 pm daily including weekends,and as if that's not bad enough. 

Every morning I wake up to another set of loud music from the dancing Gym,I look out my window and see them do "Your waist ,your waist all I want is your waist "😂 like gash demit - 🤨

I hope you all add more weight for this noise horror you making me go through and as for the premier league watching beer drinking crew - I pray their team losses and the Beer taste sour in their 👄 mouth.🤣

I got tired of everything in that neighborhood and so decided, we should move.

Step Two-

We moved to a more expensive apartment,yet smaller then the one we left, but we were at least glad we leaving the all the "shoki" and "waist" crew behind.

We had bearly settled into our new apartment, when one early morning, probably around 4:30 am. I heard a voice of one ,cry in the wilderness of our new niegborhood, and it's a gated one. So how come there's a preacher men outside ,this precher man move from one end of the street with his bullhorn📣 singing and then like , hitting the 🎯 target bulls eye, after walk back and forth signing. He sets this "Big Ass" loud 🔊 speaker where? Right opposite my bed room window and goes on for the next hours still almost six am - shouting hell,hell and hell fire 🔥- am like WTF🤬.. not again 🥹

Dear God am a Christian too,but some of your children have lost their minds over this preaching stuff. This horrible experience lasted for at least four years , till I moved. 

I looked for way to cope, like getting a Pioneer speakers headphone 🎧 and eventually a Bose 10 sound system to help drown the noise. 

while I struggle with this early morning noise, my wife aka "sleeping Beauty" as the name rightly fits often will sleep through,the noise but sometimes would shout out ohhhh God ..😅😂🤣 when the noise gets crazily loud 🔊 but still manage to go back to sleep,but not me.

Once uncle precher starts fiddling with the big ass speakers and his microphone, testing it by shouting some very, LOUD PRAISE THE LORD! am awake and will toss and turn until he's done.

One day, I couldn't take it anymore, I got up, walked down stairs, out the gate and headed straight right at him Uncle preacher man saw my pace and knew some shits is about to go down.

🤣 but naaa, as a gentleman man and person of the faith, I just wanted to "reason" with him.

I greeted him, and told him well-done Sir,you doing a good work, however - do you ever stop to think if it's effective because once or twice a week, you wake people up very early and most of us really need the rest, so we can wake up on refreshed and go about their business.

I said why not do this at a more convenient time - maybe more people will hear or listen and besides ,do you know how many babies you wake up early every morning 😂🤣

 Preacher man, response was just Hmmmmm, okay..Hmmm. 

I thanked him and walked away. End of preaching for that day and a few weeks after ,uncle precher man resurfaced 😅😂🤣- he just can't seat ideal and let all these folks in the neighborhood go to Hell. 

I was like,🥴🤷‍♀️ precher man's got a point , let me not be the one stopping God's work. I guess he is doing it the way he know how best to do it, regardless if it's a nusiance to some.

So Step 3-

I moved house again, rent double but this time, it seem like a much better niegborhood there was no church or bar in sight ahhh "relief 😮‍💨"

I was feeling like Eliza Doolittle in the movie "My Fair Lady " I said to myself "by George I think we've  got it"😂🤣.

Peace @ last, Peace @ last..Thank God we have Peace at last. 🤣

We had some peace and quiet, the to crown 👑 it, the electricity supply in this neighborhood was stable as F.....K.

The apartment had easy access to almost anywhere in PH city - 

.....and then it happened, step one step two,step  three and back to one again....

Back to Step One -

Behind our new apartment was an ongoing project and it has lasted about 3years since we moved in. 

I traveled out of PH to Abuja for a while after the Covid Lockdown, came back and BAM! Project completed and  it's a Hotel ,🤐 chineke ! and not just any hotel a noise crazy ass hotel with you guessed it " a beer palor" ,😂  and wait for it.... they also had a hall space rented out to a Church and the hall space was smack right opposite my bed room window.  

So in the evening and weekend the  beer palor again plays Loud music and with the most annoying hype man you would ever hear on a mic 🎤 ..Am like God no! 🥹 Why me , and a Church took the Hall Space and my head🤯  busted : 

I just said I give up - I need to change my Prayers to Lord Bless me indeed with the resources to live in some very expensive private and exclusive estate with sanity and control - 

🙏 So fam ,Pray with me oh....

But for now am enjoying the beautiful life of Nigeria's organized cahos.


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