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Showing posts from October, 2007

We Either Make Ourselves Happy or Miserable.

"We either make ourselves happy or miserable. The amount of work is the same." The whole month of September, I didn't find time to blog, and there's a perfect explanation for that, I was on leave from work for about 4 weeks starting from the last week of August to the 3rd week of September. This period gave me time to see family, and visit friends in Lagos, Ibadan, Warri and my home town Kwale. Now I seat back counting the cost of my journeys and the sort of spending spree I went on, first I made an upgrade of my word-rope and this now includes a suit, which before now was alien to me, and that was one of the thing that caused the major damage, but am the better one for it, every day as I enter the office my colleagues  go Wooooooooo!!, "which levels "…. 70% is talking, referring to the percentage by which we recently had on our salaries increase for 2007, but honestly I knew I was due for a change in my wade-rope , so 70% or not I still would have d...