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From 2011 into 2012

As the year 2011 draws to an end in the next couple of hours, I woke up this morning with a very strong sense of gratitude to God almighty. The year has rolled by very quickly and I can say one reason for this was because I was busy all year through. My present Job keeps one on his toes both literally and physically, for most part of the year I had one event or a major task to look forward to.

 I am excited when I have something to look forward to,be it on or off the job. It comes naturally to me I just love have something in front of me that I can plan towards, and actually see it happen. The year 2011 provided me with ample opportunities to experience this kind of excitement once again.In retrospect I can say 2011 has been a year of laying some personal foundations that will hopefully project me into better things in the coming years not just 2012 alone. It’s not been the easiest task to handle, but thankfully to God some very good foundation have been layed and others will certainly come to place in the new year. 
2011 was a year of many journeys, trips,and flights for me the most important thing is that every single one was a success, both the once that I embarked upon and also including that of family members,friends and even my colleagues visiting Nigeria, as I reflect on these I feel a strong sense of gratitude for Gods divine watch and protection that has covered us all at every point in time and along our way. Nigerian is not the safest of place, so when you move around and in safety and comfort trust me on this there's a divine covering that makes this happen.

I look into 2012 with much confidence, faith and trust in God for a covering beyond what I can even think or ask. Nationally and internationally the year 2011 reinforced one thing, we live in troubled times, so much is falling apart in this man made systems and security treats is ever so present. Jesus Christ speaking in Matthew 24-12 said " And because iniquity shall,abound the love of many shall wax cold" I have come to see the love of man waxing so cold from as little as people withholding doing good when its in there power to do so, to other people being outright inhuman and destroying lives of other humans without a single thought or remorse. 

I have chosen not to lose faith or hope in the sight of this wickedness in humanity, I try hard to let my heart not be troubled by it. For above all things Faith in God the creator of all the earth, the father of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ endures above all things. I hold on to that knowing, that knowledge, that wisdom and his ways. The Bible encourages that we take a stand for righteousness,and that we stand despite all challenges. So as a believer in Jesus Christ I confidently see faith filled Christians standing up more than ever before even in the face of the adversities scourgeing the land.

Outlook into 2012 can only be one thing bright, even though am sure it won't be without its own challenges both on a personal level and on a national level. Pulling through will demands faith, it requires courage and a strong sense of inner fortitude. Nigeria as a nation looks like she is in dire straits and at a time failure in leadership once again seems like its at an all time high. I believe that leaders in themselves don't wish to fail Nigeria at least the majority of them, however the lack of trust,personal values,zeal and above all commitment to changing Nigeria  for good and not for themselves. Makes all their good intentions just a mere wish with no steam what so ever.

I still see hope for Nigeria as a Nation and for her People, but so many things has got to change. The very attitude of the average Nigeria to his own welfare,security,accountability of the state to the people, our values, morals and what we respect must all change in the right direction. Our faiths we profess must live not just within us but affect the world around us for good only, our level of education and intellect we so brandish must all start to count for something. I believe it takes playing your part, certainly not everyone will or would even wish to play their part, but am confident for the many-few  who will chose to will bring about change, we shall start seeing good changes. 

Finally am always grateful to God ending another year with Friends and Family members all alive and in good health. I can’t fail to be thankful to God for the blessings of an excellent Church fellowship and forthright Leadership in the church. These and many more are the things that come cherished and one can't help but be thankful to God almighty.

I end my blog for 2011 on a good note, saying like Dr King "keep hope alive" and please progress with me into 2012 still with much hope. GOD Bless.


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