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Showing posts from December, 2014

2014 into 2015 -New Beginnings,Thankful.

2014, wow! what a year, and in a few hours the,days,weeks and months that made up the year 2014, all comes to an end. Looking back now, I can say 2014 for me was a busy year, eventful year, with tough challenges and yet its ending on a grateful and thankful note. I sure didn’t get all I would have wanted or hoped for, or did all I could have or should have done rightly, while I won’t fail to constantly take stock of my life’s happenings, for now I am not bothered of what I got right or didn’t get right – I just grateful and thankful to God Almighty for the end of one year and elated, hopeful and expectant at the beginning of another year, that presents renewed opportunities and goodness. For all that lived out 2014, you know the many unexplainable, shocking and sad events that occurred – internationally and locally in my country. I purposely chose not to mention or list some of these events but my prayer and heart’s desire is that  comforts and restorations comes to the ma

Elections 2015 - Hard Choice

President Goodluck and Former Military President Buhari It’s almost election year again in Nigeria and the internet from twitter,to facebook and the blog-sphere is buzzing with comments, articles and analysis from Nigerians about the 2015 elections. I understand all the frenzy about this elections, because  Nigerians or at least most Nigerian consider  this elections  will be Nigeria's most  decisive and keenly contested elections since the return to democracy in 1999. A Friend posted an article on facebook with the title [ 3 Reasons Buhari-Osinbajo Beats Jonathan-Sambo ] by Tokunbo Akintola  read here  Obviously many comments were  made on the posters facebook page by some of us who read the article, it was a split.While some praised Buhari as a non-corrupt  candidate when compared against the current president (Goodluck), others reeled out the achievements of president Goodluck  governme

Oil Economies

Central Bank of Libya Statement on Public Finances  published on , 8 December 2014 - An interesting read even though Libya is still a nutcase, however I trust Nigeria's GEJ,NOI,DAM and the central bank governor will be  reading this  -  Nigeria's policy measure to contain the adverse effect of falling oil prices,falling foreign exchange  reserves and even lost revenue from crude oil theft to some extent is still lame. While am not an economist, introducing tax on luxury goods,cutting down on government oversea trip etc I would say is just a  "flash in the pan". If the government wants to really cut spending - start now and prune the over bloated  expenditure on the executive and legislative arms of governments federal,state and local council levels, and strengthen the institutions saddled with the responsibility to fight and reduce corruption (public and private). If GEJ is re-elected or GMB elected,Nigerians kiss your beloved petroleum subsidy goodbye