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Showing posts from May, 2018

Night Time Musing - Unbox Therapy

The decision to be on social media e.g Instagram, facebook, twitter, etc for most is a personal one, in most cases you did it cause you wanted to not because anyone asked you to. The content you share - pictures, personal stories, comments, opinions, write up, career/work /business or even faith /religious related contents be they good,bad or sometimes down right ugly - they are yours and it's your decision to share them- Don't let those who make themselves out to be "the judge" rule your life, by letting the "fear" of  their opinion about what you chose to do or not to do on social media, be what teleguides you. As long as you do what you doing for the right reasons, then I feel it should not matter what people think,say or even do- you just do you, be you, share your stories, document time, places and events, how and where you best deem fit and if you chose to do that online or offline let it be your conscious choice - don't let people's opin...

Politician na Winch (politicians are witches)

I like to capture the moment,random stuff that interests me from time to time and I mostly do this using the camera or sound recorder on that one device that as a result in advances in technology and human commercials enterprise has been foisted on me and has almost become inseparable  (my phone, smart phone ) Besides its use for making calls, and the 1001 apps on a smartphone,the selfie culture and the argument this culture has brought about if selfies is a narcissistic behavior. The smart phone obviously still - ranks tops amongst innovations that has  changed and is changing our world. Personally though, I  think the two best thing my phone's camera is useful for, are acting as a small mirror when I can't find one, and of course using it as at tool for one of my "sport" - capturing the moments randomly. So, here I was taking a ride on taxi, from the mainland to the island in Lagos Nigeria  and the driver starts playing this song on the radio. I just had to r...

Nigeria's Music Scene,One View

As always I love documenting some of my thoughts and today, I had to provide a brief overview of the Nigerian music scene to a Senior Lecturer in Music Technology & Production in a British University and these were my take on the industry, based on typical commentaries, discuss and research on the Nigerian music scene. Practitioners within the sectors, lovers of African and Nigerian music feel free to agree,disagree or add your thoughts. Basic overview The Nigerian music scene currently is a vibrant, fast growing one driven by Nigeria's young and burgeoning population ,industry commentators believe the Nigerian music industry can be a major player within the global music scene if properly managed and organised, it can be a viable revenue earner for the country aside from crude oil. This growth especially within the last decade has been largely centred around Afrobeat and High life Music (traditional african sounds/lyrics, fused with hip hop or other western sounds ) th...