Health that I agree, but friends, or more like good friends or generally good people. That's the tricky part- truth be told, good friends, good people are just as scarce as good money - both in short supply - but who says we can't have good health, find good friends and make good money?
That's what I call "a part of the #blessings"
So In this season ⛄ when most would rather take or receive, or request. I learned a valuable lesson, I have just been gifted a surprise 10K, and I have never appreciated a kind gift like this in recent times. Not cause am broke or cause it was gifted in $ or £ or € but still in good old Nigerian naira.
I am truly appreciative because it's Christmas and while some looked towards me to give and am extremely thankful I can even be counted worthy enough to give. This gentleman who gifted me 10K, on the other hand, thought he should be the one giving and guess what he is a Moslem, not Christian.
So to Mr. Isah Abubakar - many, many thanks for your thoughtfulness even in a season like this, indeed it's the little things that really count.
You're Appreciated